Thursday, April 29, 2010

What if Christians actually let there little light shine?

Some of you have probably heard the philosophical question: "If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, did it make a noise?" Although there are varying view points on this particular question it brings a completely different question to my mind. If the Children of God are called to be the light of the world, (See Matthew 5:14-16)but their light is hidden, are they really the light?

In my experience a flashlight doesn't do any good in a cave, basement, or any other dark place unless you pull it out of your pocket and turn it on. When I was younger I learned that the definition of darkness wasn't blackness - it's the absence of light. How do we get rid of darkness - light. So many people in the church spend so much time worrying about or complaining about the darkness: the evil in it, the fear it causes. When really, they are already equipped with what it takes to combat it.

This is true not only in the battle of good of evil in our world, but also in our own lives. What in your life are you keeping hidden in darkness? What are you hiding from the light? Sin is a poison that will eventually kill us. That's why the bible tells us to confess our sins to God and one another. Bring it into the light to recieve God's forgiveness and recieve the accountablity from other believers needed to keep the dark places out of your life. Even a little light can eliminate darkness. The question is will we pull it out of hiding.

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