Monday, March 8, 2010

What if Christians actually did good to the people who hate them?

Matthew 5:44
But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you(KJV).

What if Christians actually did these things? What would happen if the people who are supposed to be here to show God's love to the world went out of our way to love, bless, do good for, and pray for the people who hate us? You may live in a perfect world where everyone likes you and these opportunities never arise... or, maybe you live in my world.

I wonder what would happen if when I get annoyed by someone I just helped them, instead of complaining to my wife. Maybe the next I get cut off by someone in traffic I could pray that God would help them get wherever they're going on time, since they are obviously in a big rush to get there. Just think about the possibilities. At this point you might think I'm crazy. Pleasing annoying and rude people may not be at the top of your to-do-list. You know who isn't rude or annoying... people who get help when they ask for it, and people who get where they need to go. If you think really hard I bet you can even think of a time when you were that rude or annoying person. Have you ever heard yourself say "why won't they return my calls." Maybe to someone else you are annoying. Or maybe you are driving across town as fast as you can and someone is driving so slow in front of you that you scream out: "MOVE IT GRANDPA! THE LAST COPY OF DAVE SCRABECK'S BOOK IS ON SALE AND IT'S JUST TOO EXPENSIVE TO BUY IT ON HALF.COM!" We have all had rude and annoying moments, maybe we could have a little more grace for people going through a rough time. I read somewhere once that we should treat other people the way we want to be treated. We should try that.

Let's say you are in line at the grocery store or Starbucks and someone knowingly cuts in front of you. They know they did it, they just hope don't have the guts to say anything. How do you think they would react if when the cashier gave them their total, you interrupted and said: "Oh, I'm getting theirs" and handed them your card. You didn't even give them the option of refusing, you just bless them.

I know what you're thinking... "if they like Starbucks they couldn't possibly be my enemy." My challenge for you is to think of that person at work, at school... dare I even say church that always seems to make you frustrated or angry. Go out of your way this week to do everything you can for them. If your feeling particularly brave I dare you to do it without them even knowing. Send them a thank you card without signing it. If you can't think of anything good they've done, leave a doughnut on their desk. Whatever you do don't fight back, don't complain, don't get, bless, do good, and always pray. The world see's Christians as judgemental and hypocritical... what if we actually tried to do something to change that?