Thursday, September 16, 2010

What if Christians actually followed Jesus?

In the bible when Jesus said "Follow me" (Mt. 4:19, Mk 1:17, etc.) the people literally left what they were doing and physically followed Him. They didn't continue to fish with promises to act more like Jesus - they made the choice to ACTUALLY follow Jesus where He wanted to lead them.

I understand that you may think that this is impossible today. You might say: "Jesus is up in heaven sitting on his La -Z - Boy throne (do you think the King of Kings is sitting on an uncomfortable chair?) praying for us. How can I follow Him physically?" Well I'm glad you asked. You can ask Him where to go. You can ask Him what you should be doing. If you are doing the same things the same way you did them before Jesus came into your life - how are you following Him? Maybe you're just observing Him; maybe you are following Him in more of a "twitter sense." You occasionally check in to read His thoughts or see what He's up to. We can make Jesus more of a celebrity to be observed than a Master who we need to obey and follow. If we aren't intentionally following Jesus it's hard to stay on the narrow road, that we are told leads to life. If we do things the way we think we should and hope it lines up with God's purpose for us I think we'll be unpleasantly surprised. I think we'll be more like the people in the crowd who instead of really listening to Jesus, were just waiting to see Him do a miracle or ask Him to do something for us. We need to really follow Him.

This week you should make an effort to pray and study God's word and seek out where God may be leading you. Also re-read prov. 3:5,6 - an important reminder that we need to follow Jesus.