Thursday, November 18, 2010

What if Christians actually were living sacrifices.

I am sitting in what is probably my favorite coffee place in the world (I haven't been many places), and I think I'm starting to get something. Maybe if we are really going to be able to live lives of worship, where we give everything we have to God, we should be more concerned, at least at first, with doing as much as we can, instead of the best we can.

Let me clarify - I think we should all strive to be great and do great things for Gods glory by His strength, but we, as individuals, will never fully arrive or be made perfect in anything. If we are always waiting to reach a certain level of authority or skill before stepping out - we will miss out on so much.

I think we (and by we I mean me and probably at least someone else) get too bogged down by giving only our best, instead of really living a sacrificial life. God deserves our best, this is absolutely true, but he also deserves our all. There are times when all of us don't try because we're just not sure how it will turn out.

If I only attempt to serve God when I'm at my best, I will probably live a semi-useless life. The truth is I am a perfectionist, and in my desire to make things perfect in my own strength I forget that it's not about what I can do anyway. God does the work through me.

Maybe I should really try to make the most of every opportunity, instead of trying to make a few opportunities as exceptional as I can. And maybe I have it all wrong, I haven't spent years studying this subject - but I would rather try and fail than not try.

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